I stumbled upon this article about the Plzen Bicycle Club in the Chicago Daily Tribune dated March 20, 1896. I became mildly obsessed with finding the building pictured in the article, which is described as being located on "Ashland avenue, near Eighteenth street." It goes on to say:
The present location was formerly the home of Dr. Jirka, and has been in the possession of the Plzen club since last spring. It is a ten-room house, with billiard-rooms in the basement and a large assembly hall on the second floor. The Plzen is the only Cycling club in the neighborhood, and has a membership of nearly 200, which is increasing at a rapid rate.
I love coming across these type of articles, especially ones with images of buildings in Pilsen and the written description is helpful too, to give us an idea of the function and layout of these buildings at the time. I have not yet been able to find this building, I think I just have to realize that it's another building that has been demolished.
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